Linux Kernel Module


This project is a module for hooking system calls at the kernel level. This module should encrypt inputs from user when echo and tee commands are called and decrypt them when cat command is called. ROT13 algorithm is used for encryption.

cat command is used for reading the content of a file and printing as the output. Also, echo and tee commands are used for writing inputs. We can retrieve system calls in each command by utilizing strace command. In order to change the functionality of cat, echo, and tee commands, read and write system calls are hooked at kernel level and the encryption/decryption algorithm code is injected before these system calls are called.

Technologies/Languages Used

Technology Usage
C is the main language being used in kernel development
All the development has been done on Linux Kernel
Git is used for the version control.

Project information

Project Description
A kernel module for hooking read and write system calls and encryption using ROT13