**NOTE: None of ISC’s projects are open source. So, I am not able to share the code which I have written in this project.


Development of the new version of Central Securities Depository (CSD) system of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) started from May 2020. Business of the system completely changed. Also, we started writing code from scratch using Spring Boot and Spring frameworks for back-end development based microservices architecture. Also, the Web UI dashboard was completely redesigned and implemented based on Angular framework and Nebular web kit.

Technical Architecture
Technical Architecture of the System

My Reponsibilites

As the main developer of the team, I am responsible for:

  1. Back-End services development based on Spring Boot and Spring frameworks.
  2. Implemented a non-blocking API Gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway basted on Netty.
  3. Secured services through Keycloak based on OpenID Connect and OAuth2.
  4. Redesigned the previous Web UI and developed a new dashboard based on Angular framework using Nebular web UI kit.
  5. Dockerized backend services and frontend application.

Technologies/Languages Used

Technology Usage
Java is used for developing backend services
Typescript is the main language used for developing Angular applications.
Spring Boot framework is used for developing backend services based on microservices architecture
Spring frameworks, including Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Spring Data, etc. are used for developing backend services.
Angular framework is used for developing GUI web applications.
Keycloak acts as the authentication and authorization service for the system. It is based on OpenID Connect and OAuth2
Docker is used for virtualization and containerizing services, including backend and frontend services.
Oracle databse is used in this project.
SVN is used for version control

Project information

  • Category: Web
  • Client: Central Bank of Iran
  • Project date: May 2020 - Present